Sunday, November 11, 2007

Maria Amelia Lopez

I heard an inspiring piece on PRI's The World about Maria Amelia Lopez who, at 95 years of age, decided to learn how to use the internet. Her grandson started a blog for her as a birthday present. Because Maria can't type well, she dictates her entries to her grandson who types it all out for her. Right now, she's pressuring officials in her community to make provisions for broadband! Kudos, Maria!



Hi Janyce.

Greetings from Sydney, Australia.

You may like to know that Olive Riley, a feisty 108-year-old Australian great-great-grandmother, is the world's oldest blogger. She is probably the world’s oldest YouTuber as well.

Physically frail but mentally alert, Olive raised her three children on her own, survived two world wars , the Great Depression of the 1930s, and worked as a barmaid, an egg sorter, and a station (ranch) cook in many parts of Australia.

Olive’s blog, The Life of Riley, has a huge Internet following. Prepared by her friend, international film maker Mike Rubbo, and based on his interviews with Olive, it attracts hundreds of enthusiastic comments from many countries, and from bloggers of all ages. It’s posted on the Internet at

sojournquilts said...

Awesome! Just the kind of thing I love to hear about! Thanks!--Janyce